Friday, February 7, 2014

Free, Is That Where The Money Is?

Hey everyone, my brain is totally fried.  I was relocating snow today from 1:00 am until 3:00 pm and only slept for 45 minute on the couch.  Moving snow around while it's still snowing is probably one of the least satisfying jobs I've ever done.  You move the snow for like 4 hours... and by the time you finish, you have to do it all over again.  It's insanity.  So anyway, enough about my personal problems, lets talk about marketing.

What is this?

It's my wireless router, but could it also be a potential opportunity for a new kind of business?  What if internet providers started setting up free WiFi hot spots and then started advertising to the people who access them?  When people look at the available networks, they might see "JIMMY JOHNS FREE ACCESS", or something like that.  Also, once connected, there could be advertisements based on each individuals particular internet activities and usage.  Would it work?  Or is free internet becoming too widespread to try to tap into this now?  The answer is, I have no idea and I think i'm starting to hallucinate.

Hey, speaking of being tired, it's probably only a matter of time before people start tapping into our brains while we sleep and playing commercials in our dreams.  I hope that doesn't happen.

What's this?

It's my PRO-FORM elliptical!

 Has your significant other been begging you for one of these?  Has he or she been talking about how they will be able to work out all winter long in the comfort of their own home? Have they told you that they don't like running because of the people who stare and the harm it does to their knees?

Well you can rent this one for $25 dollars.  Now, what is the point of renting an elliptical you ask?  I will tell you.  As soon as you bring it home, your significant other will be extremely happy and it will make their day.  They will use it once, and then it will start being used as a coat hanger.  That's when you return it to me!  Let me know if you're interested. ($10 dollar fee for delivery)

I just made you read an advertisement, how does that make you feel?

Time for a new subject.  Let's talk about ethics.  With all this talk about social media and how one customer can completely wreak havoc on a companies stock price, it makes the unethical bandit inside of me wonder about things.  What if someone organized a large group of people and started mounting large organized attacks on companies through social media?  We see people getting paid to write positive reviews... are people being paid to write negative reviews?  Are people getting paid to fabricate horrible stories about certain companies to sabotage them?  What if there was a powerful organization like this that started blackmailing companies and demanding cash payments for protection?  Basically a social media mafia.  This might be important to think about, because if one person can tell the truth about a company and make the stock price tank... what could 236 people with fabricated stories do?

Well that's all for tonight. I'm going to bed.  But first I'm going to go use my OralB Professional Care 3000 toothbrush to whiten my teeth. It's the toothbrush that many dentists recommend.

(Note to Phillips: I will change that to Sonicare for a one time payment of $500 dollars.)  


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