Friday, January 24, 2014

Hello everyone,

What's going on in the marketing world?

Today I saw a billboard that said "Experience Great Customer Service".  I will make sure to do that some day.  Unfortunately, I can't remember the company on the billboard.  Actually, all I remember is a big picture of a guys face.  He didn't even look very friendly.  So whatever they spent on that billboard was a big waste.
This made me think back to an idea I've had for a long time.  If you want to throw away money, why not create a money dispenser that shoots money out of the back of your company car?  Here's how it would work:
You buy an attractive car like this 2014 Corvette.
Then you fill the trunk with speakers kind of like this:
Finally, you go to a very crowded place, like Mall of America (horribly crowded and overrated place to go) and you start blasting your company's catchy jingle while making the area around you look like this:
I think this would be awesome to do if you were JG Wentworth.  Everyone all ready knows the song, everyone at Mall of America probably has structured settlements, and after leaving Mall of America, they will definitely need cash now!  

So then everyone will see the cash flying through the air, start running around like lunatics, trampling the elderly and trying to grab all the cash, all while the beautiful jingle is blasting. Also, a professional camera crew would obviously be filming everything to put online (they would probably edit out the people getting trampled). 

After everything is over, there will probably have been around 50 fights, (future structured settlements) and the video footage will quickly go viral.  Then they can make it into a commercial and air it during the super bowl!

Those are my marketing thoughts for the day, hope you enjoyed.


Just in case you feel like listening to the song now:

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